Saturday, May 8, 2010

One More Chapter Completed

Last night, I graduated from college. Let me take you through the last week:

Saturday May 1, 2010:
I had my graduation Open House. Jenn, Bethany, Kristi and I drove in for it together and had a blast. Then, when we got back to La Grange, Jenn, Bethany and I went for a night just for us three. We had pizza and watched Ratatoullie (well part of it). We got tired so we went back to campus early. Bethany came in and rubbed my back and I went to sleep.

Sunday May 2, 2010
Great day of fellowship in Bridgeport. Fun times with friends. Exhausted though. A little fight with friends, but God worked through it. 2 hour talk with Bethany. Then next to no sleep (no meds).

Monday May 3, 2010
First final down. Clean bathrooms, talk with girls as they come in and out. Head to Chapel. Try to jump up 5 stairs. Epic fail, but fun. Measure all the tall boys (don't ask). Study all afternoon. Hand out with Jenn in the evening. Walk with Dale. Talk to Trish on the phone. Heart to heart with Bethany. Drugs to help sleep.

Tuesday May 4, 2010
I don't really remember the morning. Got upset at something stupid at lunch. Bethany took me to Cheyenne for the day, just me and her. We went to Barnes and Noble. We looked at books and journals and pictures. Then we went to the Bible Book Store. We just explored. Then we hit the mall. We went to F.Y.E and looked for a bit, then we hit up the pet store. I wanted to buy 3 puppies but my mom said no. Then the best part of the entire day. We went to Chick-Fil-A. The food was great but the conversation during the meal was the best. We talked like friends, not just problem sharing and how do we fix it but truly a personal conversation. It was wonderful. Then we went back to school. I went to my room and talked to Cait on the phone and God hit me with a 2X4. Then I felt a big weight lifted. One only God could lift.

Wednesday May 5, 2010
Sleep in. Ask forgiveness from a friend. Feel more weight lifted. Testimony Chapel. God is AWESOME! Then lunch, and an awesome game of duck duck GOOSE! It was narley cardio. Then some partial time with Bethany and Jenn, then Cait showed up. So I went with her for a bit. Then I came back and Bethany and Jenn were out cold on my bed. They were two extremely cute sleepers. Then I had AWANA awards. Great time!

Thursday May 6, 2010
Two finals and then a break down. Then sleep in Bethany's room for 2 hours. Lunch with Bethany, Mandy, and Cait. Then Mom, Grandma and Grandpa came for the senior dinner. We had a blast. Then I got "caught up" with Whit and Amy. Then a sister section activity. Then Bethany comes in for a good night session. I get scared want her to stay. She can't but then comes back and she Jenn and I had a sleep over.

Friday, May 7, 2010
An emotional rollercoaster. I graduated. I cried all afternoon. But then enjoyed the evening. Jenn, Kristi, Amy Bethany and I fell asleep on the couch watching Kung Fu Panda. I took meds and Bethany left and went to the bathroom and woke me up when she got back on the couch and they got a solid 30 minutes of entertainment. It was good.

Today, Saturday, May 8, 2010
Goodbyes. Tears. Missing friends but peace from God.

Through all this semester God has been teaching me. I have been learning through all the tough times. I pray that I continue to have rough times so I can grow more.

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